Sunday, 27 December 2015

Stars 'Fingerprints'

The temperatures of the stars can be classified using the Wien displacement law, which is in section formulas that relate the light and matter. The great diversity of observed stellar spectra gave rise to the classification of the stars in seven spectral classes:

Oh, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me!

Moreover, each class is divided into 10 subclasses designated spectral types: B2; B5; A0; A5, for example. Out of curiosity, the sun is a star that is contemplated in the G2 class.

Depending on the constitution of the atmosphere of stars, we can relate the spectra with the previous absorption temperatures and the respective spectral classes (with a predominant color).

                Classe                   Temperatura
Cor convencional Cor aparente 

O ≥ 33 000 K azul azul

B 10 000–33 000 K azul-branco azul-branco

A 7 500–10 000 K branco branco a azul-branco

F 6 000–7 500 K amarelo-branco branco

G 5 200–6 000 K amarelo amarelo-branco

K 3 700–5,200 K laranja amarelo-laranja

M 2 000–3 700 K vermelho laranja-vermelho