Sunday, 27 December 2015

Mirrors | Optical phenomena

Being smooth, polished and good light reflective surfaces, mirrors can be of two types: flat or curved. Quickly discuss the first to justify an experience.

Flat mirrors

The images of flat mirrors are constructed using the laws of reflection, described in the previous article.
They are virtual because they can not be projected on a target.
They are right, because they do not appear inverted (upside down).
They are symmetrical, because the left and right are reversed.
They have the same size of the object.

Thus, reverse the writing mnemonic OBAFGKM (developed in article Star Digital Printing) so that this situation can be demonstrated experimentally, with the added value of our poster colors match the spectral class of stars.

The scheme is intended to only show the effect, so it does not comply with certain rules, in particular on the size of objects (real and virtual).